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get help making bookmarklets here

tab title & favicon cloaker

type tab name , then choose favicon or paste a custom link (does NOT work on New tab pages)

javascript:(function () {document.title=prompt('Tab Cloak\n\nEnter new Tab Title:');var icon=document.querySelector
('link[rel="icon"]');switch(prompt('Choose new tab icon:\n\n[1] Google Search\n[2] Google Drive\n[3] Custom URL'))
('href',prompt('Enter Custom Tab Icon URL:'))}})()

porta-epoxy glue

use this to epoxy glue any site in your current tab. click bottom right to toggle on and off!


get ridda youtube ads + restricted mode

go to a video on youtube.com and use this bookmarklet to remove restricted video notices or ads that play!

javascript:(function () {if (window.location.toString().includes('www.youtube.com/watch?v%27))%20{%20

block goguardian tab closing

this bookmarklet stops your teacher from closing your tabs via goguardian

javascript:(function () {window.onbeforeunload = function() { return 1; };})()

html goggles

allows you to edit the raw html of a website

javascript:(function () {var script=document.createElement('script');script.src='https://x-ray-goggles.mouse.org/webxray.js';script.className='webxray';script.setAttribute('data-lang','en-US');script.setAttribute('data-baseuri','https://x-ray-goggles.mouse.org');document.body.appendChild(script);}())

extension remover

removes chrome extensions when visiting the web store


invert page colors

inverts colors of the current page


developer console

opens a developer console on the bottom right of the screen

javascript:(function () { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/eruda"; document.body.appendChild(script); script.onload = function () { eruda.init() } })();

about:blank tab custom link

opens a custom url in an about:blank tab

javascript:(function () {var url = prompt("Paste the link you want to be embedded into an about:blank page. (INCLUDE https://)", "LINK HERE"); var urlObj = new window.URL(window.location.href); win = window.open(); win.document.body.style.margin = "0"; win.document.body.style.height = "100vh"; var iframe = win.document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.style.border = "none"; iframe.style.width = "100%"; iframe.style.height = "100%"; iframe.style.margin = "0"; iframe.referrerpolicy = "no-referrer"; iframe.allow = "fullscreen"; iframe.src = url.toString(); win.document.body.appendChild(iframe); })();

history flooder

be on the page you want to flood your history when you use this, then use and it will flood your desired amount!

javascript:var num=prompt("History flood amount:");done=false;x=window.location.href;for 
(var i=1; i<=num; i++){history.pushState(0, 
0, i==num?x:i.toString());if(i==num){done=true}}if(done===true){alert("History flood successful!
"+window.location.href+" now appears in your history "+num+(num==1?" time.":" times."))}

bookmark autoclicker (100cps)

create new bookmark & paste this code as url, then run the bookmark and click where u want to autoclick

javascript:var DELAY = 1;var autoClickerStyleElement = document.createElement("style");autoClickerStyleElement.innerHTML="*{cursor: crosshair !important;}";document.body.appendChild(autoClickerStyleElement);function addClicker(e) {if(!e.isTrusted) {return;}if(e.target.classList.contains("auto-clicker-target")){e.target.classList.remove("auto-clicker-target");} else {e.target.classList.add("auto-clicker-target");}document.body.removeChild(autoClickerStyleElement);document.body.removeEventListener("click", addClicker);e.preventDefault();autoClick(e.target);}function autoClick(element) {if(element.classList.contains("auto-clicker-target")) {element.click();setTimeout(function(){ autoClick(element); }, DELAY);}}document.body.addEventListener("click", addClicker, 0);

bookmark autoclicker (custom cps)

create new bookmark & paste this code as url, then run the bookmark, choose your cps, and click where u want to autoclick

javascript:(function(x,y){if(!window.click){window.click=!0,document.body.style.cursor='crosshair';var cps=prompt('autoclicker cps: (under 200 recommended)');if(!cps||isNaN(cps)?(alert('you entered something wrong. try running the script again.'),end()):alert('autoclicker activated at '+cps+' cps! do [ctrl+e] to stop.'),addEventListener('mousemove',e=>{x=e.clientX,y=e.clientY}),addEventListener('keydown',e=>{'e'===e.key&&e.ctrlKey&&(alert('autoclicker deactivated! click the bookmark again to reactivate!'),end())}),window.click)var int=setInterval(function(){var e=document.elementFromPoint(x,y);e&&e.click()},1e3/cps);function end(){clearInterval(int),window.click=!1,document.body.style.cursor='default'}}})()

editable page

copy code and paste as bookmark url to make page editable

javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0


calculator in window that doesnt show up in history. use * for multiplying not x

javascript:eval('function calc(){_o=prompt(_t,_z);if(_o!=\'\'&&_o!=null&&_o.toUpperCase()==_o.toLowerCase())_z=eval(_o);}');_t='JAVASCRIPTER.NET Calculator
 - Input the expression to be calculated:';_z='';calc();while(_o!=''&&_o!=null&&_o.toUpperCase()==_o.toLowerCase())calc()

non-editable page

revert back to normal page to hide that you edited anything

javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'false'; document.designMode='off'; void 0

fake chrome update popup

use bookmarklet to fake a chrome update screen

javascript:(function() { var overlay = document.createElement("div"); overlay.style.position = "fixed"; overlay.style.top = "0"; overlay.style.left = "0"; overlay.style.width = "100%"; overlay.style.height = "100%"; overlay.style.background = "#FFFFFF"; overlay.style.opacity = "0.95"; overlay.style.zIndex = "9999999"; var dialog = document.createElement("div"); dialog.style.position = "absolute"; dialog.style.top = "50%"; dialog.style.left = "50%"; dialog.style.transform = "translate(-50%, -50%)"; dialog.style.width = "450px"; dialog.style.padding = "20px"; dialog.style.background = "#FFFFFF"; dialog.style.border = "1px solid #333333"; dialog.style.borderRadius = "5px"; dialog.style.boxShadow = "0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"; dialog.style.zIndex = "99999999"; var title = document.createElement("h1"); title.innerHTML = "Google Chrome Update"; title.style.marginTop = "0"; title.style.textAlign = "center"; dialog.appendChild(title); var message = document.createElement("p"); message.innerHTML = "Your version of Google Chrome is outdated. Please click the button below to update now."; message.style.margin = "20px 0"; message.style.textAlign = "center"; dialog.appendChild(message); var button = document.createElement("button"); button.innerHTML = "Update Now"; button.style.background = "#0078D7"; button.style.border = "none"; button.style.color = "#FFFFFF"; button.style.padding = "10px 20px"; button.style.borderRadius = "5px"; button.style.cursor = "pointer"; button.addEventListener("click", function() { window.location.href = "https://google.com/chrome"; }); dialog.appendChild(button); overlay.appendChild(dialog); document.body.appendChild(overlay); })();


mods or tweaks generally for browser games

google snake addon mod

use this on the official google snake only, click the bookmarklet once in the game

javascript: req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('GET', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DarkSnakeGang/GoogleSnakeCustomMenuStuff/main/custom.js');
req.onload = function() { eval(this.responseText + 'snake.more_menu();'); }; req.send();

idle breakout infinite money

in the idle breakout settings page paste this into the "import" box


idle breakout level 260464

in the idle breakout settings page paste this into the "import" box


cookie clicker set/add cookies

Game.Earn adds cookies to your total, Game.cookies sets your total cookies. press ctrl + shift + j for console to run



random tools somewhat related to ttg or yeah

flashpoint core 11 download

the version best for curating games. it is unofficially availlable so you can download it on ttg


op auto clicker 3.1 download

super duper awesome autoclicker that you can use (windows)


in-house ttg javascript deminifier

quick and easy way to deminify javascript code when working with gamefiles!


sd / micro sd cart fat32 converter

convert your micro sd or sd card to fat32 format which lets you put them into nintendo ds's
this lets you put sd cards larger than 32gb into nintendo ds's and 3ds's since nintendo doesnt let you unless you use this tool


nsui beta v28

convert your roms from various consoles to cia format to load onto a cracked 3ds


unblocked chromium browser

some thing i made years back for my first real gamesite. kinda cool


samfw frp tool

this tool can remove frp, google account lock, password lock, and more from samsung phones (be moral!)


nitro gen python script

To run this you need to: import the py requests library, make a .txt file name it Nitro Codes.txt
then make another named Valid Codes.txt, finally make a .py script and name it main.py
paste the code then run inside of terminal. the chance of generating a real code is almost zero

    import requests
    import random
    import string
    import time
    print("""NITRO GEN + CHECKER""")
    print("MADE BY INFRAY\n\n")
    num = int(input('HOW MANY CODES YOU WANT : '))
    with open("Nitro Codes.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') as file:
    print("STATUS : OK")
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(num):
    code = "".join(random.choices(
    string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase,
    k = 16
    print(f"GENERATED {num} CODES | TIME TAKEN : {time.time() - start}\n")
    with open("Nitro Codes.txt") as file:
    for line in file.readlines():
    nitro = line.strip("\n")
    url = "https://discordapp.com/api/v6/entitlements/gift-codes/" + nitro + "?with_application=false&with_subscription_plan=true"
    r = requests.get(url)
    if r.status_code == 200:
    print(f" Valid | {nitro} ")
    print(f" Invalid | {nitro} ")

httrack portable edition download

powerful web scraping tool in portable form (windows)


download directory for github

paste a github directory link and download the zip immediately- without downloading an entire repo



still advanced for most people but its fun yk

3d webpage

this is honestly so cool it makes every page like a 3d cube but flat idk but its AWESOME

javascript:(function(){var js=document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script"));js.onerror=function(){alert("Error! The Script Could Not Be Loaded!")};js.src="https://rawgit.com/Krazete/bookmarklets/master/tri.js"})();


spawn a rocket ship you can control with wasd & shoot with space, you can shoot words on page for points


smiling friends seasons 1 & 2 .cia files

this is the file tyoe to run on a modded 3ds. you can load .cia games or movies onto them, in this case its 2 seasons of one of my favorite tv shows so enjoy!

Smiling Friends Season One.cia

metal pipe

change all images on page to metal pipe and also plays a sound effect of it

bookmarklet code here

spinning cursor

this makes your cursor spin. it won't go away until you reload the page or visit a new one

javascript:iV33MaET=0;Cu4Xg8Y=new Array('n-resize','nw-resize','w-resize','sw-resize','s-resize','se-resize',

random live webcams

pasting this code into the address bar will meet you with multiple random cameras broadcasting their footage online

intitle:"webcamxp 5" intext: "live stream"

screen spaz!

this makes your screen spin, change color, play sounds, and have a odd cursor. refresh to undo



opens a stopwatch that you try to stop at exactly zero1!

javascript:((function()%7Bvar a,b,c;c="https://www.stopatnothinggame.com",b=document.createElement("iframe"),b.setAttribute("src",c),b.setAttribute("id","rusic-modal"),b.setAttribute("style","position: fixed; z-index: 999999; width: 400px; height: 400px; right: 1000px; top: 10px; border: 5px solid #8834af; overflow: hidden; background-color: #fff;"),a=document.getElementsByTagName("body")%5B0%5D,a.appendChild(b)%7D)).call(this)

flying images

this makes the images on your page fly around~

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px"; DIS.top=(Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0)


lets you shoot at elements on the screen disappearing them!

javascript:for(var i=0; i<(document.getElementsByTagName('a')).length; i++) {(document.getElementsByTagName('a')[i]).style.pointerEvents = 'none';}function handler(e) {e = e || window.event;var target = e.target || e.srcElement;target.style.display = 'none';document.removeEventListener('click', handler, false);cursor('default');for(var i=0; i<(document.getElementsByTagName('a')).length; i++) {(document.getElementsByTagName('a')[i]).style.pointerEvents = 'initial';}}document.addEventListener('click', handler, false);cursor('crosshair');function cursor(cur) { document.body.style.cursor = cur; }

star wars intro

turn your page to a star wars into

bookmarklet code here


this bookmarklet spawns ants on your screen, and they will eat the letters on your screen!
note: u must click the shield in your URL bar and click "load unsafe scripts" for this to work.



just a piano

javascript:(function(){var js=document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script"));js.onerror=function(){alert("Sorry, the script could not be loaded.")};js.src="https://rawgita.com/Krazete/bookmarklets/master/piano.js"})();

font bomb

click to place a bomb which will destroy some letters on your screen.

javascript:(function () {var s = document.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src', 'http://fontbomb.ilex.ca/js/main.js');document.body.appendChild(s);})();


place 2 fingers on the trackpad to control a ball on your screen. It will destroy all letters in its path!

javascript:var i,s,ss=['http://kathack.com/js/kh.js','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js'];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);

disorient everything

everything on your screen will rotate

javascript:(function(){['', '-ms-', '-webkit-', '-o-', '-moz-'].map(function(prefix){Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('div,p,span,img,a,body')).map(function(el){el.style[prefix + 'transform'] = 'rotate(' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) - 1) + 'deg)';});});}())

color ur webpage

drag and drop colors from the left toolbar, and color your webpage

javascript:(function(){var el=document.createElement('script');el.type='text/javascript';el.src='https://rawgit.com/ApoorvSaxena/colordrop/master/dist/production.min.js';el.onerror=function(){alert("Looks like the Content Security Policy directive is blocking the use of bookmarklets\n\nYou can copy and paste the content of:\n\n\"https://rawgit.com/ApoorvSaxena/colordrop/master/dist/production.min.js\"\n\ninto your console instead\n\n(link is in console already)");console.log("https://rawgit.com/ApoorvSaxena/colordrop/master/dist/production.min.js");};document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(el);})();

stopwatch (made by christian.rebimbas@gmail.com)

just a stopwatch!

javascript:(function(){var timerInterval = null;var iElapsed = 0;var iPrevious = 0;var bg;function createBG(){bg = document.createElement("div");bg.id = "crebTimer";bg.style.width="200px";bg.style.height="75px";bg.style.backgroundColor="white";bg.style.border="solid 3px black";bg.style.position="absolute";bg.style.left="0px";bg.style.top="0px";bg.style.zIndex="500";bg.style.textAlign="center";var bod = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];bod.appendChild(bg);}function createForm(){if(bg){var timer_display = document.createElement("div");timer_display.innerHTML = "00:00:00";bg.appendChild(timer_display);var start_stop = document.createElement("input");start_stop.type="button";start_stop.value = "START";document.onkeypress = function(event){if(event.keyCode==122){start_stop.onclick();}};start_stop.onclick = function(){if(start_stop.value=="START"){if(timerInterval!=null){alert('not null');return;}document.getElementById("clearButton").style.display="none";start_stop.value="STOP";timerInterval = setInterval(function(){iPrevious = (iPrevious==0) ? new Date().getTime() : iPrevious;iElapsed = new Date().getTime();var curTime = iElapsed - iPrevious;var minutes = 0;var seconds = 0;var millis = curTime;if(millis > 1000){seconds = Math.floor(millis/1000);millis = (millis-(seconds*1000));if(seconds >= 60){minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);seconds = seconds - (minutes*60)}}if(minutes.toString().length==1){minutes = "0"+minutes.toString();}if(seconds.toString().length==1){seconds = "0"+seconds.toString();}if(millis.toString().length==1){millis = "0"+millis.toString();} else if(millis.toString().length==3){millis = millis.toString().substr(0,2);}timer_display.innerHTML = minutes.toString()+":"+seconds.toString()+":"+millis.toString();},10);}else{start_stop.value="START";clearInterval(timerInterval);timerInterval = null;document.getElementById("clearButton").style.display="inline-block";}};bg.appendChild(start_stop);var clear = document.createElement("input");clear.type="button";clear.id = "clearButton";clear.value="CLEAR";clear.onclick = function(){iElapsed = 0;iPrevious = 0;timer_display.innerHTML = "00:00:00";};bg.appendChild(clear);}}if(document.getElementById("crebTimer")==null){createBG();createForm();}})();


random things that dont fit within the other parameters

ph epoxy glue

kinda outdated at this point.. putting it here cuz its one of the ogs



clicking this bookmark, then the font you want to select will show font name, size & more details about the font

javascript:(function(){var d=document,s=d.createElement('scr'+'ipt'),b=d.body,l=d.location;s.setAttribute('src','http://chengyinliu.com/wf.js?o='+encodeURIComponent(l.href)+'&t='+(new Date().getTime()));b.appendChild(s)})();

epoxy glue list

i wont ask why u need em



google drive movies search query

this search term can sometimes find public drives with movies in them

site:drive.google.com movies


tutorials made by tt aka infray (creator of ttg)

bookmarklets tutorial

how to create bookmarklets (not code just make and use)


3ds emulated games tutorial

how to add emulated games to an ALREADY modded 3ds


youtube alt link